The tensile amount of the o-ring

O-ring sealed trench, and generally have a certain amount of stretch. And compression ratio, the size of the amount of stretching has a great influence on the sealing performance of the O-ring and life. Stretching a large quantity not only cause the O-ring installation difficulties, but also lower the compression rate the sectional diameter d0 change of, thus causing the leak. Amount of stretching can be represented by the following formula:

α = (d + d0) / (d1 + d0)

Where d ----- Shaft Diameter (mm); d1 ---- O-ring inside diameter (mm).

The amount of stretch in the range from 1% to 5%. The table gives the recommended value of the amount of stretching of the O-ring, according to the size of the major axis diameter, according to Table selected maximum of the amount of stretching of the O-ring. O-ring is the range of the compression ratio and the amount of stretch of the first take